California Coastal Resilience Network


The California Coastal Resilience Network promotes knowledge exchange to support adaptation solutions that strategically and comprehensively prepare California’s coastal habitats and communities for climate induced impacts.


The Network provides a space for informal dialogue between local and state managers to improve coastal management efficiency and communication, and aims to provide local managers with the tools they need to implement nature-based multi-benefit coastal adaptation solutions.

What we do

Network members meet monthly via webinar, where experts and practitioners share lessons learned from their adaptation work to foster stronger regional collaborations and facilitate more streamlined adaptation projects across California.

Watch our video to learn more about the Network!


Individuals or organizations can become Network members by subscribing to the CA Coastal Resilience Network email distribution list. Members receive notifications about Network activities and can participate on monthly Network webinars and occasional in-person events. Network members are encouraged to suggest webinar topics and to share their own work on future webinars.

Comments & Suggestions

Do you have announcements to share, suggestions for webinar topics, or ideas about how to make the Network better?  Submit your comments & suggestions here!  


Upcoming Events


Steering Committee

This Steering Committee is charged with guiding the direction and activities of the California Coastal Resilience Network, including information sharing about nature-based coastal adaptation.

Steering Committee Members

Joel Gerwein

Joel Gerwein

State Coastal Conservancy

Alyssa Mann

Alyssa Mann

The Nature Conservancy

Maya Hayden

Maya Hayden


Kristen Orth-Gordinier

Kristen Orth-Gordinier


Jack Liebster

Jack Liebster

County of Marin

Rebecca Lunde

Rebecca Lunde

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Sarah Newkirk

Sarah Newkirk

The Nature Conservancy

Mandy Sackett

Mandy Sackett

Surfrider Foundation

–Alternate: Stefanie Sekich-Quinn

Nick Sadrpour

Nick Sadrpour


Rachel Couch

Rachel Couch

State Coastal Conservancy

Related Stories and News

Network Member of the Month: Laura Engeman

Network Member of the Month: Laura Engeman

Laura Engeman is the director of the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative where she works to bring together public agencies, nonprofits, community foundations, utilities, scientists, and local managers to find regional solutions for climate adaptation.

The Coast Belongs to Everyone

The Coast Belongs to Everyone

The Coastal Access and Protection Act of 2017, AB 1129 helps prepare our coast for the impacts of climate change, and preserves public access to the beach and other natural areas. Learn more about it here.

Navy Partners with TNC on Climate Adaptation

Navy Partners with TNC on Climate Adaptation

The Nature Conservancy recently announced a partnership with the United States Navy to prepare for the impacts of climate change on Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) in California. This initiative marks the first time the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is partnering with a nongovernmental organization to protect a military installation from sea level rise and other consequences of rising global temperatures. Read more about it here!

Network Member of the Month: Charles Lester

Network Member of the Month: Charles Lester

Charles Lester has been working in the California coastal management community for over 20 years, most recently as the executive director of the California Coastal Commission. He is currently a researcher at the Institute for Marine Sciences at UC Santa Cruz.