Economics of Nature-Based Adaptation

Economics of Nature-Based Adaptation

The Economics of Nature-Based Adaptation app allows users to explore current and future risks from coastal hazards and to compare the cost-effectiveness of nature-based (green) and engineered (grey) solutions to reduce risks and avert damages in coastal areas.

This app is being used in California.

Community Rating System Explorer

Community Rating System Explorer

The Community Rating System Explorer helps planners identify areas that are eligible for Open Space Preservation (OSP) credits in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS), a voluntary program that encourages improved floodplain management through discounted flood insurance premiums, and provides exportable information to support the application process.

This app is being used in Gulf of Mexico and North Carolina.
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Coastline Change: Future Scenarios

Coastline Change: Future Scenarios

The Coastline Change: Future Scenarios app allows users to explore how climate change combined with management actions over a 50-year time frame may affect the rates of shoreline change along a simulated Virginia barrier island system.

This app is being used in Virginia.
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California Coastal Resilience Network

California’s iconic coastline is threatened by the coastal squeeze between upland development and climate change induced sea level rise. The Nature Conservancy and partners are demonstrating the effectiveness of coastal resilience adaptation planning statewide through their engagements in Monterey Bay, and Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.