Grenada IH Cantabria Video
This video was produced by IH Cantabria and TNC to illustrate how models reveal reef loss in Grenville, Grenada, the subsequent erosion and flooding, and more importantly how reef restoration can reduce those risks by changing waves and currents.
Grenada ESRI Video
This video, produced by TNC and ESRI, shares the story of the At the Waters Edge project, an innovative coral reef restoration project aimed to reduce vulnerability to climate change in Grenville, Grenada.
Natural Defense Projects
The Natural Defense App evaluates natural coastal habitats like reefs, mangroves, and marshes that often play an important role in coastal protection, and allows users to explore a comprehensive global summary of natural defense projects across multiple habitat types.
This app is being used at the global level.
Economics of Coastal Adaptation
The Economics of Coastal Adaptation app allows users to explore current and future risks from coastal hazards and to compare the cost-effectiveness of nature-based (green), artificial (gray), and policy solutions to reduce risks and avert damages.
This app is being used in Gulf of Mexico Read More.