Accounting for Nature
This work aims to support decisions across development, aid, risk reduction and conservation sectors as they seek to identify sustainable and cost-effective approaches for risk reduction.
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This work aims to support decisions across development, aid, risk reduction and conservation sectors as they seek to identify sustainable and cost-effective approaches for risk reduction.
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A new report measures and values the coastal protection benefits of mangroves in the Philippines. Using natural capital accounting, the value of the services provided by these coastal ecosystems can be measured, and thus inform policies for sustainable development, disaster risk reduction, and environmental conservation.
The report Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Flood Damage Reduction reviews new and emerging funding opportunities for natural defenses. It also identifies the barriers that prevent the broader funding of natural defenses, and proposes a framework that helps identify when and where there may be opportunities to finance natural infrastructure.
In this report, a team of scientists from the conservation, engineering and insurance sectors put a dollar value on the ability of coastal wetlands to reduce property damage from flooding during storms. The report shows that coastal wetlands prevented US$625 million in flood damages to private property during Hurricane Sandy.
Thanks to support from the Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation, The Nature Conservancy is working with key partners in the risk & insurance sector to examine the role of coastal habitats as natural storm defenses.
in risk and finance models.
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