WEBINAR: Weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update
WEBINAR: Weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update July 11, 1pm PDT Join us for an opportunity to hear from Jenn Eckerle, Deputy Director at the Ocean Protection Council (OPC), and to weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update. OPC is in the process of updating the State Sea-Level Rise Guidance […]
WORKSHOP: Advancing Coastal Resiliency in California and Beyond
University of California, IrvineAdvancing Coastal Resiliency in California and Beyond 7/19/17 and 7/20/17 University of California, Irvine http://newkirkcenter.uci.edu/2017/06/12/save-the-date-for-uci-coastal-resiliency-july-19-and-20-2017/
WEBINAR: Encouraging Investments in Coastal Conservation and Building Resilience
SAGE Webinar Series presents: Encouraging Investments in Coastal Conservation and Building Resilience 1:00pm EDT, July 20th, 2017 http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1102628762974&ca=80a3c1ea-9719-4141-abdd-220afbb15ae5
WEBINAR: Timing the flood: sea level rise, tidal flooding and future exposure along America’s coasts
OneNOAA Science Seminar Series Timing the flood: sea level rise, tidal flooding and future exposure along America's coasts Thu, August 10, 12pm – 1pm ET More information Speaker: William Sweet, Oceanographer, NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS), Planning, Monitoring and Analysis Branch Sponsor: NOAA's National Ocean Service Science Seminar; seminar coordinator is tracy.gill@noaa.gov […]
WEBINAR: Public Trust Doctrine, Coastal Land Use, and Sea Level Rise
Please join us on August 16th from 12 – 1PM to hear from Don Gourlie, Early Career Law & Policy Fellow at the Center for Ocean Solutions, on the Public Trust Doctrine, Coastal Land Use, and Sea Level Rise. California’s policymakers, coastal managers, and communities increasingly recognize that the inevitable collision of sea level rise […]
BROWN BAG/WEBINAR: State Coastal Conservancy Brown Bag with Doug Marcy
The California State Coastal Conservancy invites you to join a brown bag at the State Coastal Conservancy for a presentation followed by discussion with Doug Marcy, Coastal Hazards Specialist at NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management. Date and Time: Thursday, August 17, 2017, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT Location: Big Sur Conference Room, Coastal Conservancy Offices, 10th […]
SUMMIT: Central Coast Climate Collaborative Inaugural Summit 2017
SLO Veteran's Hall 801 Grand Ave , San Luis Obispo, CA, United StatesCentral Coast Climate Collaborative Inaugural Summit 2017 Wednesday, August 23, 8:30am - 3pm SLO Veteran's Hall 801 Grand Ave San Luis Obispo, CA Save the date for the 2017 Central Coast Climate Collaborative (CCCC) Inaugural Summit. The CCCC engages community leaders throughout six Central Coast counties - Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, […]
CONFERENCE: California Climate Action Planning Conference
Cal Poly, San Luis ObispoCalifornia Climate Action Planning Conference August 24-25, 2017 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo https://planning.calpoly.edu/CCAPC
NETWORK WEBINAR: CCC’s Draft Residential Adaptation Policy Guidance
Join the CA Coastal Resilience Network in hearing about the California Coastal Commission (CCC)'s new Draft Residential Adaptation Policy Guidance on Wednesday, September 6 at 12pm PST, from CCC Staff. Speaker: Sumi Selvaraj is a NOAA Coastal Management Fellow at the California Coastal Commission. She was nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, and matched with the […]
ARCCA WEBINAR: Learning Session – General Plan Guidelines Update
The California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research recently completed the first comprehensive update to the General Plan Guidelines since 2003. Legislative changes, guidance documents, a data mapping tool, and additional resources have been incorporated into the new Guidelines. On September 12th, 1pm-2:30pm, ARCCA will host a webinar to provide an overview of the new General […]