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WEBINAR: Weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update
July 11, 2017 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
WEBINAR: Weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update
July 11, 1pm PDT
Join us for an opportunity to hear from Jenn Eckerle, Deputy Director at the Ocean Protection Council (OPC), and to weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update. OPC is in the process of updating the State Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document to reflect new scientific understanding and projections of sea-level rise. OPC would like to solicit input from the Coastal Resilience Network on how members are using the current sea-level rise guidance and feedback on the draft structure for the updated policy guidance to ensure that it is useful for decision-making.
Jenn Eckerle is the Deputy Director of the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC). She is responsible for supervising staff and helping set the strategic priorities for coast and ocean policy in California. Before joining OPC, Jenn spent eight years as an ocean policy analyst for the Natural Resources Defense Council, where she conducted technical analysis and developed policy recommendations to advance ocean conservation related to marine protected areas, fisheries, marine debris, desalination, underwater noise, oil drilling and aquaculture. Jenn earned an M.S. in Marine Biology from the Florida Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Biology from the University of Vermont.
Background: The State’s updated Sea-Level Rise Guidance will assist state agencies and local governments integrate sea-level rise into their planning, permitting and investment decisions. Recent work from an OPC-Science Advisory Team Working Group (Rising Seas in California: An update on sea-level rise science) will serve as a foundational piece for the update to the Guidance Document. OPC has convened a Policy Advisory Committee consisting of leaders from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, the California Energy Commission, the California Natural Resources Agency and OPC to guide the development of this update and has engaged in an inclusive public outreach process with other state agencies, local governments, tribes and stakeholders throughout the process. The draft guidance will be available for public review in Fall 2017 with the final guidance anticipated for adoption by the OPC in January 2018.
WebEx Info for Webinar:
Topic: Weigh in on the CA Sea-Level Rise Guidance Update
Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm (PDT)
Session number: 644 332 318
Session password: This session does not require a password.
To start the session
1. Go to https://tnc.webex.com/tnc/k2/j.php?MTID=t5c04a185bd1a1717226bf0ebe559ae62
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